Campers, Head Counselor Shelby has taken a personal day, and we are pretty short handed so apologies for the delays in announcements today. We should be back to normal for tomorrow – let’s end our second week strong, campers!
We will be fishing at the newly-deemed-safe waterfront around 4:
Share your best “catch” in your collection to earn spirit points and bragging rights. The best catches will get extra spirit points for your patrol, but everyone who shares will gain some credit.
Daily Activities
- Catch up on the latest daily updates on WCKR from Andy & Caleb.
- Keep working on merit badges, and make sure your submit to claim completed badges!
- Review content from the previous days of camp.
- Submit your Talent Show entry. ENTRIES ARE DUE TONIGHT!
- Share your photos of recipes, your side on the Madman/Cropsey debate, patrol flags, and more on social media with the tag #KOHSUMMERCAMP
- Keep drinking SGT. SURGE’S GRO-JUICE.
- Share your best “catch” in your collection to earn glory and spirit points!
- Please assist in investigations of the strange goings-on around the camp. Do not investigate alone! Use the buddy system.
It’s in the water and it will take you