Counselor Dashboard

Private area for counselors and staff to communicate. Not for camper’s eyes!

Known Issues – Summer 2022

Animal deaths on the north side of camp. Looks like mountain lion activity. Steer clear of the forest just to be certain.

Please keep storage areas locked – seems like someone has been trying to get into the storage shed. Will be placing cameras up to try and catch the suspect. There are some disgruntled locals who like to mess with the site in the off-season. (Shelby)

Local authorities have spent some time searching the woods before the season and are confident the thing is not out there any more. No activity reported at slippery rock. We should be ok to finally host campers again this summer. Don’t talk about the past stuff. DO NOT MENTION ANYTHING about the mining equipment.

Trevor has really been on my ass this year and if we don’t finish this season out strong, it may be the last one we spend employed here. We are going to be short staffed for this last session and I need everyone to pull their weight around here.

Summer 2023

Cancelled – Under KMK Observation

Summer 2024

Tentative approval from board to proceed with a new session of camp.