Story Submitted by “NickyP” of the Fighting Fulci’s, Summer ’22
Slag is his name for short. Don’t look at him, don’t call his name, don’t look for him and most importantly don’t make fun of him. Slag worked as a grounds keeper in fall of 62 at camp Ojibwa…or so the kids of the 1962 camp say.
Slag owned the land that camp Ojibwa sits on, after being handed down the land from his great grandfather. Slag enjoyed grounds keep work on his land but most importantly he loved to garden. He’d plant his own tomato’s wheat and corn and cook for his family and wife. Until one day, when one of the tomatoes he had picked was poisoned! Not knowing, him, his wife and two children had eaten them!
Not knowing what was happening Slag had worried and panicked trying anything he could to stop what was happening, but it was too late. The family had slumped and fallen right there to their deaths. After not hearing from slag and trying to get ahold of Him, his step brother had finally made the trip out to the farm on the lake. To his surprised he had found the entire family perished, being the greedy step brother he was, he had buried the entire family right on slags land, and sold the entire land off keeping it all a secret from anyone and anybody interested in the land. In the fall of 1960 the Wyst family had purchased the land, wanting to turn the grounds into a summer camp for young youths to come and experience the true “great outdoors.”
The Wyst family had an interesting experience, tools would go missing, vandalizing and workers tended to get very ill all during construction. Desperate and trying their best they looked passed the local towns people thinking it was them trying to run them out. Until the final straw happened, when Rob and Callahan the owners of the camp had noticed an unfamiliar face showing up at the job site. Whistling and walking with his head down the mysterious face would come and go and mid his own business. Being deathly afraid Callahan had pressured Rob into selling off the land. The unfinished camp had sat dormant until the spring of 1962 when the Pelants had purchased the land and had finished the camp and who still run it till this very day. It is said by campers of today, you will find slag doing random maintenance activities around the camp, and his kids walking from cabin to cabin knocking on doors and windows, only nothing to be found…and his wife, campers will find random things found in their food on their plates after leaving the kitchen, hidden messages saying don’t eat this or beware of this.
And the worst happens at night, it is told to never leave your cabin after midnight, because you will see Slag walking around with a lantern, walking against the waterfront, whistling and swinging his lantern.