The final day is upon us, campers. Tonight we will host a final movie night and hold closing ceremonies for camp! We hope to have a great celebration for what has been an eventful 2 weeks here at Camp Koh.
Tune in around 9PM EST for CAMP MURDER, which is in NO WAY a reflection of the events at camp this year. After the feature, we will host closing ceremonies at 10:15 EST, so stay tuned!
Final Tasks
- KMK Researchers will be distributing a survey seeking responses from campers about events that occurred this past two weeks, please complete that ASAP.
- Merit badge submission forms are due by Sunday evening. If for some reason you have not heard back on a particular merit badge, please do not worry. Our automated system has been a little overworked on getting responses out, but all entries have been received and your badges have been earned.
- Please consider purchasing the 2022 camp patch to support camp!
- Thank you so much for attending this summer!
- KMK Enterprises would like to remind all campers that any unfounded rumors or disparaging remarks about the camp or the events that occurred therein are illegal and can be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.